The third enlargment of the organ

The most recent renovation (1999-2005) was conducted by Bernard Dargassies, under supervision of Jacques Taddei (the titulare at that time, who also raised the - private - funds) and Jean-Louis Coignet, Organ Advisor to the City of Paris. According to Dargassies many of the harmonic-length pipes had been damaged and disfigured. The expression shutters of the Swell were rendered useless by a wall of pipes of the new Soubasse of the Pedal. The wind pressures had been "changed" over the years due to a variety of factors, due to insufficient maintenance and new regulator springs installed in 1962 that lost their tension over the years. The 1962 console barely missed being consumed by fire caused by hazardous electrical connections made over the years.


The mobile console permits the p;ublic let the public see the organist playing and to permit the performance of great symphonic works with the orchestra positioned around the console. This console has a fourth keyboard (for the chamades, orginally meant for a series of additional stops which were never realized). Stops marked are original stops of Cavaillé-Coll.


The works of Dargassies included: Removal of the plywood deflecting panels above the buffet. Restauration of the pipes with as starting point a return to their original character and reharmonisation of the neo-baroque stops to obtain a homogeneous symphonic instrument. Reconstruction of the wind supply (including the installation of new, large, double-fold bellows identical to the original and added in symmetry to guarantee a good wind supply) and original wind pressures. Replacement of the noisy pneumatic motors and mechanical components . Replacement of the electromecanic traction of Beuchet by an electronic solid-state traction with an electronic Setzer Restauration of the console Changes in the composition: Grand-Orgue, Récit, Pedal Addition of a Trompette 8 en chamade (on the second floor). Grand-Orgue Putting back the 16’ resultant of the Plein Jeu Positive installing an additional windchest for the Positif at the place of the Soubasse (Pedal) in order to place 6 new stops ((Tierce 1’3/5, Piccolo 1’ from the Positif, Quinte 5-1/3, Tierce 3-1/5, Septième 2-2/7 et Unda Maris 8 flûté (from the city stocks and the builders Dragassies, Gonzalez et Jacquot) which could not hinder the sound of the Swell, while moving the Pedal Soubasse pipes away from the front of the Swell shades. lengthening of the Flûte octaviante (which was cut in 1962) Récit addition of a Cor de Nuit 8' replacement of the Clairon 2’ by a Fifre harmonique 1’ addition of a Clarinette Pedal Reorganisation, resulting in the follwing stoplist : flûte 4, flûte 2, soubasse 16, basse 8, quinte 10 2/3. Ajout une Contrebombarde 32 ( of wood in the first octave) Other works addition of two tremblants transfer of the console to the first floor installation of a new mobile console on the floor of the church. To read: Notes on the Organ in the Basilica of Sainte-Clotilde
THE GREAT ORGAN 5/5 the organ of Franck - the organ of Tournemire - the organ of Langlais - the organ of Taddei


Next concert

08 • 02 • 2025, 5 PM Christian Bischof (Germany)
THE GREAT ORGAN 5/5 the organ of Franck - the organ of Tournemire - the organ of Langlais - the organ of Taddei


The third enlargment of the organ

The most recent renovation (1999-2005) was conducted by Bernard Dargassies, under supervision of Jacques Taddei (the titulare at that time, who also raised the - private - funds) and Jean-Louis Coignet, Organ Advisor to the City of Paris. According to Dargassies many of the harmonic-length pipes had been damaged and disfigured. The expression shutters of the Swell were rendered useless by a wall of pipes of the new Soubasse of the Pedal. The wind pressures had been "changed" over the years due to a variety of factors, due to insufficient maintenance and new regulator springs installed in 1962 that lost their tension over the years. The 1962 console barely missed being consumed by fire caused by hazardous electrical connections made over the years.
The works of Dargassies included: Removal of the plywood deflecting panels above the buffet. Restauration of the pipes with as starting point a return to their original character and reharmonisation of the neo-baroque stops to obtain a homogeneous symphonic instrument. Reconstruction of the wind supply (including the installation of new, large, double-fold bellows identical to the original and added in symmetry to guarantee a good wind supply) and original wind pressures. Replacement of the noisy pneumatic motors and mechanical components . Replacement of the electromecanic traction of Beuchet by an electronic solid- state traction with an electronic Setzer Restauration of the console Changes in the composition: Grand-Orgue, Récit, Pedal Addition of a Trompette 8 en chamade (on the second floor). Grand-Orgue Putting back the 16’ resultant of the Plein Jeu Positive installing an additional windchest for the Positif at the place of the Soubasse (Pedal) in order to place 6 new stops ((Tierce 1’3/5, Piccolo 1’ from the Positif, Quinte 5-1/3, Tierce 3-1/5, Septième 2-2/7 et Unda Maris 8 flûté (from the city stocks and the builders Dragassies, Gonzalez et Jacquot) which could not hinder the sound of the Swell, while moving the Pedal Soubasse pipes away from the front of the Swell shades. lengthening of the Flûte octaviante (which was cut in 1962) Récit addition of a Cor de Nuit 8' replacement of the Clairon 2’ by a Fifre harmonique 1’ addition of a Clarinette Pedal Reorganisation, resulting in the follwing stoplist : flûte 4, flûte 2, soubasse 16, basse 8, quinte 10 2/3. Ajout une Contrebombarde 32 ( of wood in the first octave) Other works addition of two tremblants transfer of the console to the first floor installation of a new mobile console on the floor of the church. To read: Notes on the Organ in the Basilica of Sainte-Clotilde


The mobile console permits the p;ublic let the public see the organist playing and to permit the performance of great symphonic works with the orchestra positioned around the console. This console has a fourth keyboard (for the chamades, orginally meant for a series of additional stops which were never realized). Stops marked are original stops of Cavaillé-Coll.
Next concert 08 • 02 • 2025, 5 PM Christian Bischof (Germany)